Saturday, October 10, 2009

Tuesday morning
Flowers are fading, leaves are falling
Time marches on
ssm 10-6-09

The wind is blowing
gray clouds move across the sky
walnuts drop to the ground
ssm 10-7-09

Polka dots of orange
Pucker my lips like alum
persimmons not ripe
bmn 10-9-09

Monday, September 28, 2009

The game is over
I am no longer in the competition
Relax, you win.
KSL 09-28-09

Sunday, September 27, 2009

A haiku by 3
what a challenge it can be
Mama waves her hands
bmn emc ssm 9-27-09

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Tis now tea for two
Creative minds are flowing
Aren't we just awesome!
bmn 9-26-09

If fog creeps in on little cat feet
why does the sun shine on Mama's house?
bmn 9-26-09 (and Carl Sandburg)

If it is raining cats and dogs
where have all the doggies gone?
the cats are in the barn
emc 9-26-09

The cats are cozy in the barn
when not out stalking on the farm
orange and black and grey and white
All together quite a sight
And if mousie should
appear at night
he best be ready
to take a hike!
bmn 9-26-09
A cup of hot tea
A rainy fall afternoon
sisters visiting
emc 9-26-09

It's Bobby's birthday
The wee wees sing birthday song
Glaring cat thumps tail
bmn emc 9-26-09

A trip to the beach
Now my mountain retreat
Family blessings
emc 9-26-09

Gourds under the pine tree
Chrysanthemums blooming
Soon the leaves will be turning
emc 9-26-09

missed key strokes
will you miss me when I'm gone?
bmn 9-26-09

Patio door fixed for in or out
Mew and a katydid went bounding about
Curiosity found me peeping over my book
As I watched them hide then seek in every nook

A pounce and a swat
A crouch and a squat
But twas a final jump over little Mew's head
that began the end for a katydead

bmn 9-26-09 (as told by her big sister)
I feel sad today
My best friends have gone away
Cancer and Alzheimers
ssm 9-21-09

Friday, September 25, 2009

Waves crashing
Sun shining
Sand sparkling
Shells gleaming
ksl 09-25-09