Saturday, October 10, 2009

Tuesday morning
Flowers are fading, leaves are falling
Time marches on
ssm 10-6-09

The wind is blowing
gray clouds move across the sky
walnuts drop to the ground
ssm 10-7-09

Polka dots of orange
Pucker my lips like alum
persimmons not ripe
bmn 10-9-09

Monday, September 28, 2009

The game is over
I am no longer in the competition
Relax, you win.
KSL 09-28-09

Sunday, September 27, 2009

A haiku by 3
what a challenge it can be
Mama waves her hands
bmn emc ssm 9-27-09

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Tis now tea for two
Creative minds are flowing
Aren't we just awesome!
bmn 9-26-09

If fog creeps in on little cat feet
why does the sun shine on Mama's house?
bmn 9-26-09 (and Carl Sandburg)

If it is raining cats and dogs
where have all the doggies gone?
the cats are in the barn
emc 9-26-09

The cats are cozy in the barn
when not out stalking on the farm
orange and black and grey and white
All together quite a sight
And if mousie should
appear at night
he best be ready
to take a hike!
bmn 9-26-09
A cup of hot tea
A rainy fall afternoon
sisters visiting
emc 9-26-09

It's Bobby's birthday
The wee wees sing birthday song
Glaring cat thumps tail
bmn emc 9-26-09

A trip to the beach
Now my mountain retreat
Family blessings
emc 9-26-09

Gourds under the pine tree
Chrysanthemums blooming
Soon the leaves will be turning
emc 9-26-09

missed key strokes
will you miss me when I'm gone?
bmn 9-26-09

Patio door fixed for in or out
Mew and a katydid went bounding about
Curiosity found me peeping over my book
As I watched them hide then seek in every nook

A pounce and a swat
A crouch and a squat
But twas a final jump over little Mew's head
that began the end for a katydead

bmn 9-26-09 (as told by her big sister)
I feel sad today
My best friends have gone away
Cancer and Alzheimers
ssm 9-21-09

Friday, September 25, 2009

Waves crashing
Sun shining
Sand sparkling
Shells gleaming
ksl 09-25-09
The tide comes in
replenishing my soul
filling in all the empy spaces;

The tide goes out
taking all my cares
washing me clean
KSL 09-25-09
Lying side by side
Ocean waves hit the shore
Stars twinkle on one by one
What is your wish tonight?
KSL 9-25-09
Feet hit the cold floor
Pulling clothes on in the dark
Early morning walk
KSL 9-25-09

Monday, September 21, 2009

Alas my fair maidens
more to read than my own prose
I feel elation
bmn 9-21-09

Sunday, September 20, 2009

LuluBelle Sanchez
Finds all the best shells
Long walks on the beach

Friday, September 18, 2009

The days are getting shorter
the clouds are turning pink
it will soon be dark
ssm 9-18-09

The days are getting shorter
the clouds are turning pink
Mama's got to stroll back home
before skunks come out to stink
bmn 9-18-09
I'm racking my brain
trying to think of a haiku"t"
better luck next week
ssm 9-18-09

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

backing out for one
makes an oppotunity for another
unexpected, lots of prayer
decisions to make, money to find
10 day mission to Haiti
to use my nursing skills in a way I never imagined
is it real?
leave October 22, back the 31st
bmn 9-15-09

hep A
30 days of typhoid pills
7 days of malaria pills
9-15-09 bmn
shell seekers
are you wiggling your toes in the sand
are you feeling the gentle salt breeze in your face
are you one with God

Monday, September 7, 2009

A big orange moon
peeping through the poplar trees
I think of Milton
ssm 9-2-09

A September morning
it is cool, the sun is rising
a perfect day.
ssm 9-5-09

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

my appaloosa mare
my beautiful Zadie
has become a one-eyed lady
no sight on the right
which will never come back
and the left eye fate is yet unknown
My eyes are overflowing
bmn 9-1-09

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Expensive Week

the dryer won't dry
and the car won't run
the lawn mower blew
but the grass still grew

the dryer was fixed
as was the car's alternator
fixing the mower was for nought
and a new one comes later
bnm 8-30-09
Farmers Market Swiss Chard
hues of blue, red and green
beauty to the eyes
bitter to the tongue
bmn 8-30-09
The corn grows tall
on both sides of Church Lane
driving through a corn maze
ssm 8-30-09
Red leaves appearing
in the gum tree by the road
a sure sign of fall
ssm 8-29-09
The fog is hanging low
on a cool misty morning
Autumn is coming soon
ssm 8-26-09
You are never alone
a perfect companion will come
the most rewarding friendship ever imagined
bmn 8-30-09

Friday, August 28, 2009

Another rainy Friday night.
Will I always be alone?
Mew sits at my feet.

Monday, August 24, 2009

Cicadas calling
Green pine cones falling
Summer coming to a close

school daze

back to school he goes
his mother frets too much
afraid he'll be forgetful
mindful of the past
nagging but wishing him great success
bmn 8-24-09

Friday, August 21, 2009

memories of a fun game

ca, ca, CAMEL !?!?!?!

bmn 8-21-09
A praying mantis
on a pink mum
waiting for breakfast
ssm 8-14-09

Tuesday, August 18, 2009


I did a 4 mile fast track
on a DVD
sweated, sopped, toweled off
yep that's me

tried working out to "10 minute abs"
supposedly they are located somewhere underneath my flab

the hour is over I'll take a short hike
don't even want to look at a recumbent bike

This monkey is finished,
she'll call it a day
It is a dang good thing exercise qualifies as play

bmn 8-18-09 ps the hike was to the car!

tired monkey sister

long hours
no breaks
late meals
no ac at work
off today

EMC 8/18/09

Monday, August 17, 2009


happy birthday G
happy birthday B
happy birthday Joey
glenn 14 bruce 16 joe 18
who's up for aug 20th?
bmn 8-17-09

Sunday, August 16, 2009


Where are the new blogs?
Where are the monkey sisters?
Missing your poems
KSL 8/16/2009 :(

Thursday, August 13, 2009

My Sister

Dear Sister of mine
At last I get to know you
Reading your poems
KSL 8/13/09

Wednesday, August 12, 2009

A new day begins
Puffy white clouds in the sky
Good Morning GIRLS!
ssm 8-10-09

Thunder rumbling
Lightening flashing in the distance
Rain pouring down
ssm 8-11-09

spring cleaning

spring cleaning in August
just an itty bit late
dust mice live amongst us
collecting dried up ladybugs as bait
the mop is standing ready
the water's nice and hot
but cleaning house is such a chore
you know I'd rather not.
bmn 8-12-09

robbed and rewarded

I've been cheated
missing 21 years raising a daughter
I'm not even quite sure of exactly what I have missed!
I've been blessed
that she is now in my life
our lives forever entwined
in a unique love
that is welcomed and cherished
that will bloom eternal
as we are both children of God
bmn 8-12-09

I can't write a poem
but my wife says try
I try and try but time is flying by
the only results I get is tears in my eyes......
hbn 8-12-09 The head ape in this zoo
Short Hill is incognito
clothed in Rockbridge Fog trench coat
which only sunbeams can disrobe
bmn 8-12-09

Gray day

Moldy and mildewed
Drizzly gnat strangler day
EMC 8-12-09

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

A new day


Feeling better now
A good night's sleep, a new day
And trust in my God!
KSL 8/11/09

Monday, August 10, 2009

evening ride

metallic clink of horse shoes
mini dust clouds billow at her feet
shuffle, snuffle
leather saddle creaks
ride down the fence row
rest my eyes upon Short Hill
watch for bears and gobblers
amongst the rocks and rills
bmn 8-10-09
Sitting at the airport
Plane is late, all money spent
What will I do now?
KSL 8/10/2009

Fear knots my stomach
Feeling like I will throw up soon
Purging all your sins.
KSL 8/10/2009

Saturday, August 8, 2009

hairdo by helmut

Warm breeze on my face
Soaking in the sun and nature
A gaze of a curious doe
Smashed carcass of a rattlesnake
Chirping of birds at Loft Mountain
the most wildflowers I've ever seen
A beautiful day to erase a week of stress
Biking on the Skyline Drive


Friday, August 7, 2009

My Balcony

I love my little balcony
And the adjacent sweet gum trees
The dappled sunlight patterns
Against the trunk and leaves
Where I watch the flitting chickadees
And see the nesting squirrel
And in the evenings sit with God
To watch the sunset sky unfurl.
EMC 8-7-09

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Brown or yellow silk
play and play then play some more
sweet, yummy corn baby
bmn 8-6-09
I love my children
They are the light of my life
Through good times and bad
bmn 8-6-09
I have no children
I now find myself alone
I am a 'Leaf Node'

--scribble in a compsci assignment

JPZ 8/6/09
Sitting on the sofa
Jeffrey and I write together
mother and daughter

JPZ BMN 8/6/09

Bats in my belfry
Forcast: Cool and Slightly Humid
Bats in Jeffrey's Cave

JPZ BMN 8/6/09

Girls weekend was fun
Shared with sister, daughters
and a sweet niece

SSM 8/4/09

Blessed be the tie
that binds our hearts and minds
in family love

SSM 8/4/09

The hillside is white
Queen Anne's Lace in the breeze
dancing for you and me

SSM 8/4/09

Crepe Myrtle by the fence
the pretty pink blossoms a sight
Shared by Bev and me

SSM 8/4/09

Walk to the mailbox
in the cool morning air
bills sent on their way

SSM 8/4/09

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

round and round

Round and round she goes
Butter dripping from her chin
Yummy summer corn!
ems 8-5-09

Monday, August 3, 2009

Left to right she goes
Butter dripping from her chin
Yummy summer corn!
KSL 08-03-2009

Plight of the Roses

Two cherished roses
One red, one white
Subjected to the "human" blight
of spray and mower.
I pray, recover

from bev and emily

Another Sunday
Up front of church I will go
To share children's time
bn 8-2-09

Plight of the Roses
Two cherished roses,
One red, One white
Subjected to the "human" blight
of spray and mower.
I pray, recover.
EMC 8-3-09

Kathy adds quite a few!

I saw you again last night

Glistening white hair in a green dress

Mama, watching over us still

KSL 8-01-09

A lad of fifteen

New baby enters your world

Apple of your eye

KSL 8-01-09

You sat by my crib

Getting me to say your sweet name

Sissy, My Sissy

KSL 8-01-09

You join the army

Leave your baby sis, just six

She cries as you go

KSL 8-01-09

One bad decision

Then two, three, and another

Life in shambles now

KSL 8-01-09

One man on a stage

Some singing, praying, listening

God speak to me now

KSL 8-01-09

Sissy joins in -

morning ritual
To the barn I go
Hungry cats come to greet me
All day they will play
SSM 8-1-09

House cats
Three cats in a row
Their colors black, fray and orange
They are lots of fun
SSM 8-1-09

a few more

Leftover lasagne
Leftover leftover lasagne
Leftover, leftover, leftover lasagne
Finally, la "gone" ya
EMC 7-31-09

The limbs bow to wind
Lightning streaks across the sky
KSL 7-31-09

Sunflowers stand guard
Sentries at Mama's wire fence
Heads bowed in quiet prayer
bn 8-1-09

still catching up -

Peplinski Toes
Tear off my toenails
WOW I'm not the only one
Pollack pedicure
bn 8/1/09

Pissy week at work
Kept me from haiku t fun
I'm ready to play
bn 8/1/09

Biker dudes vroomed north
vette,bike and air force museums
imax and booze tour
bn 8/1/09

Early morning thoughts

Early morning thoughts

Geese are everywhere
Stopping traffic as they cross
Leaving their green poop!
KSL 8-3-09

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Purple Banded Butterfly
You found me.
EMC 7-29-29

first round of haikus

Warm cup in my hands
Aroma steam up my nose
Starts a brand new day
Bn 7-27-09

No Fair
Monkeys play cootie
Except one who is snoozy
Missed my "Cootie fest" :(
Bn 7-28-09

I'm fascinated
Daughter doesn't understand
Asparagus pee
jml 7/28/09

As kids we were close
Marriage, kids kept us apart
Monkey sisters now
KSL 7-28-09

The jewels fall down
Sometimes fast and sometimes slow
Trying to get high score
KSL 7-28-09

Wiping sleep from eyes
Savoring that first long sip
Nectar of the gods
KSL 7-28-09

White crepe "murder" blooms
Wind gusting. They fall like snow
Storm is on the way
EMC 7-29-09

motorcycle mama
You choose.
EMC 7-29-09

Skulk, Stare.
Pretty face, Evil looks.
Hiss! Spit!
EMC 7-29-09

Her world is silent
Watching others talk and laugh
How lonely are you?
KSL 7-29-09

I will play five games
How about one or two more
Where did the day go?
KSL 7-29-09

Beverly creates "haiku-t"

NAME of the GAME: Haiku "t"

A new game for the girl's weekend Monkey sisters! Plus one new recruit!

Write a haiku every few days and pass it around to each other for fun and to add on to too!!!!!