Thursday, August 6, 2009

Girls weekend was fun
Shared with sister, daughters
and a sweet niece

SSM 8/4/09

Blessed be the tie
that binds our hearts and minds
in family love

SSM 8/4/09

The hillside is white
Queen Anne's Lace in the breeze
dancing for you and me

SSM 8/4/09

Crepe Myrtle by the fence
the pretty pink blossoms a sight
Shared by Bev and me

SSM 8/4/09

Walk to the mailbox
in the cool morning air
bills sent on their way

SSM 8/4/09


  1. Mama, I love your poems too. Especially the one about the queen's anne lace. And the one about walking to the mailbox made me wish I was at home.
