Saturday, August 8, 2009

hairdo by helmut

Warm breeze on my face
Soaking in the sun and nature
A gaze of a curious doe
Smashed carcass of a rattlesnake
Chirping of birds at Loft Mountain
the most wildflowers I've ever seen
A beautiful day to erase a week of stress
Biking on the Skyline Drive



  1. I think "helmut" should be spelled "helmet"! When I saw the title I thought Jess had written a poem about her new haircut! (which is very cute, check out her new pics on FB) Then I thought YOU must have left Wa-Cha for a german hairdresser!! ha ha ha
    I missed your call this morning but thanks for not calling at 5:30 a.m.

  2. does my hair look like a helmet? :(

  3. No, Jess, your hair does not look anything like a helmet!! Even when I first thought the poem was yours, I thought it was an ode to Helmut the hairdresser that gave you such a cute do! Only when I realized that Bev posted the poem did I realize that she meant "helmet" not "helmut" which is how she spelled it in her title...

  4. Boy did i start something here and I was trying to be funny by spelling helmet a different way, I guess I should have put "helmut" unlike the corn baby (I honestly just forgot to mention the red-headed ones! bev

  5. what do you mean "unlike the corn baby'?
